Ninn Apouladakiは、環境に配慮した活動に日々取り組んでいます。
この信念に基づき、Ninn Apouladakiにおけるひとつひとつの製品は、環境負荷を減らすことを念頭において作られています。


Ninn Apouladakiが生産するすべての製品は、環境に優しい自然素材もしくはリサイクル素材(木、再生紙、もしくは持続可能な資源として管理下にある森林から計画的に伐採された木材等)を使用しています。



Ninn Apouladakiは、ビーガンのブランドです。そのため、動物由来の素材は一切使用しません。

At Ninn Apouladaki, we care for our planet every step of the way !
We think that every producting and purchasing choice can make a difference,
in a world that must move to a more sustainable consumption,
that’s why each one of our creation is made in order to reduce our environmental footprint.

Our credo
Each one of our creation is made from environmentally friendly materials, natural and/or recycled materials(wood, recycled paper or from sustainably managed forests, free solvents and PVC wallpapers, organic coton tshirts….)

Produce locally
85% of our creations is made localy, in Provence, in order to reduce our carbon footprint.
We work with craftsmen and family-owned companies.

No waste
Each one of our packagings are made with the intention to be kept or reused in mind, to avoid unnecessary waste.

Ninn Apouladaki is a vegan brand therefore there are no animal products used in production.


本サイトに記載されている©Ninn Apouladakiに関するすべてのロゴ・商標および商品画像の著作権は、©Ninn Apouladakiに帰属します。

All logo, brand name and product pictures regarding ©Ninn Apouladaki are protected by copy right. All rights are reserved ©Ninn Apouladaki.
Without the explicit permission of the author, any duplication, modification or distribution are prohibited.